Monday, April 28, 2008


This blog is a new endeavor for the Ladies Auxilliary Division of the Canadian Plains District. It will be a wonderful way for us to keep in contact with one another and to be kept abreast of the happenings in each others lives and churches. The goal is to proactively reach out, encourage, share ideas with, and support one another towards revival collectively within our entire district.
Every pastor or ministers wife in our district is welcome to post ideas, thoughts, devotions, praise reports, recipes, prayer requests, etc. You may also like to share this blog with the ladies in your local church as I will be.
I personally believe that every woman in the Church should know God personally and powerfully.
As women in the ministry, we have been commanded in Titus 2 to teach and train the younger women of the church to glorify God by committing themselves to extending His kingdom in their lives, home, church, communities, and throughout the world. Let us work together to strengthen one another!